
Forums – Register Now!

IHIF is excited to launch FORUMS in conjunction with the development of Roadmap 2020, our new statewide strategic plan.  FORUMS will guide the development of plan recommendations and then transition into oversight groups to help those recommendations become reality – a process that both values industry input and directly engages members in growing our health sciences community in Indiana.  Forums may be organized around any topic or interest area and are open to all employees of IHIF member companies.

What are Forums?

Forums are self-organized interest groups within the IHIF Membership.

All Forums must include a board-level representative who will report quarterly on the Forum’s activities and progress.

Forums should each annually elect a chairperson to lead the group’s activities.

Forums should meet 2-3 times a year at a minimum but may establish their own schedule.


What is the role of a Forum?

Forums will develop their own mission statements and objectives but also will support IHIF efforts in several areas:

  • Forums provide guidance, leadership, and assistance with the execution of Roadmap 2020.
  • Forums identify cross-Forum networking opportunities to build new collaborations and identify new interest areas.
  • Forums help to recruit new members to IHIF.
  • Forums may develop discussion topics and panels that feed into the IHIF Life Sciences Luncheon Program.
  • Forums may gather and provide information for the IHIF website and resource panel.

Initial Forum Topics:

  • Technology Transfer and Commercialization
  • Public Policy
  • Industry Business Development/Outreach
  • Workforce and Education
  • Funding and Capital Investment
  • Additional topics will be added as member interest grows!

Forum registration is now open!  Please click here to register for a Forum of your choice!  Initial meeting dates are being set and will be communicated to Forum participants.